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miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Definiciones de la Sistematica en libros de texto

Que es la sistemática?
Estas son algunas citas textuales.

"The study of organismic diversity as that diversity is relevant to some specified kind of relationship thought to exist… "
Wiley, EO.1981. Phylogenetics, J.Wiley & Sons.

"The field concerned with the study of diversity of plants and their identification, namimg, classification, and evolution"
Jones, SB & AE Luchsinger, 1986, Plant Systematics. McGraw-Hill.

"Taxonomy is the study of nomenclature, description, classification, identification, and relationships"
Radford AE, 1986. Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. Harper & Row.

"Systematics is the science of organismal diversity. It entails the discovery, description, and interpretation of biological diversity as well as the synthesis of information on diversity in the form of predictive classification systems"
Judd, WS et al, 1999. Plant systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Sinauer Ass.

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